Collision Monitoring Ireland

Avian & Bat Wind Turbine Collision Monitoring Find out more Assessment of avian and bat collisions with wind turbines is

about us

Contact Eire Ecology to discuss your Project Get in Touch Eire Ecology Eire ecology is a team of hardworking individuals

Bat Surveys

Bat Surveys & Roost Surveys Get in Touch Applying for planning permission? As part of the planning process you may

Bird Surveys ireland

Moorland breeding bird survey Get in Touch Bird Surveys are part of our legislation now so they are mandatory. As

Solar Power Surveys

solar-power Interest in Solar farms Get in Touch Interest in Solar farms has dramatically increased in recent years as Ireland

Appropriate Assessments Ireland

Appropriate Assessments Screening Assessments Get in Touch Appropriate Assessments or Screening Assessments (AASR’s) and Natura Impact Assessments (NIA’s) are now

Eire Ecology – Habitat Surveys Ireland

Screening Reports...APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT Appropriate Assessments or Screening Assessments (AASR’s) and Natura Impact Assessments (NIA’s) are now an integral part of


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